2022 Revision: New Substances Added Per Swiss Chemical Risk Reduction Ordinance

Starting on October 1, 2022, products that contain certain substances will be banned from the marketplace in Switzerland. These new restrictions are based upon changes made to the Chemical Risk Reduction Ordinance in February 2022.

Long-chain (C9-C14) PFCAs, their salts, and C9-C14 PFCA-related substances in parts other than semiconductors will be prohibited from being placed on the market in Switzerland after October 1, 2022.While Switzerland is outside of the EU, it is worth noting that C9-C14 PFCAs are listed in the REACH Directive.

Also restricted is the use of perfluorohexane sulfonic acids (PFHxS) in the forms of branched and linear isomers, their salts, and related substances. In addition, the changes also specify restrictions of related substances, and precursor compounds to PFHxS. Products that exceed the concentration limit of 25 parts per billion of PFHxS, or exceed 1000 parts per billion of precursor compounds may not be placed on the market in Switzerland.

Details about these upcoming changes may be found on Switzerland’s FedLex website: https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/oc/2022/162/de

Detailed analysis of substances in commercial products for regulatory compliance is vital for any global organization in the supply chain. With ongoing PFCA-related updates, Green Data Exchange (GDX) can show any exposure to these and any other substances in your company’s products. Adaptable to regulatory requirements, custom requests, and internal substances of concern, let GDX solve your current compliance issues today.


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