On November 7, 2024, ECHA added a new entry (SVHC) to the REACH Candidate list. The current list of SVHC is now at 242 entries. The new SVHC and its common usage is found in the table below.
SVHC | CAS No. | Reason for Inclusion | Common Uses |
Triphenyl phospate | 115-86-6 | Endocrine disrupting properties (environment) | Adhesives and sealants, insulation (wires), flame retardant, plasticizer |
Q Point identifies that this SVHC was added due to delays around the approval of alternative testing methods that are detailed in our previous post. It is anticipated that REACH will update, again, this winter based upon ongoing identification efforts for six substances listed on ECHA’s Registry of Intentions.
REACH requires notification to your customers if SVHC above threshold are
determined to be present in an article in your product. Green Data Exchange
provides access to the latest data from your suppliers in a ‘real-time’
environment. Link to your suppliers and their part data, directly. Communicate the new requirements to your suppliers in a collaborative workspace. Provide your compliance data to your own customers promptly and completely with the highest confidence. Learn more about Green Data Exchange today at
Please continue to check the Q Point Technology Blog for recent news on
regulatory changes, including REACH updates.