SCIP Notification Requirement Expands to Include EEA

SCIP notification requirements have expanded – companies that manufacture articles in the European Economic Area (EEA) are now under obligation to submit SCIP notification as of November 7, 2022. These countries in the EEA include Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway. This change comes because of an amended Waste Framework Directive that has been incorporated into the European Economic Area Agreement.

SCIP tracks and maintains the use of SVHC in products submitted by the manufacturer in the SCIP database. The database is used to communicate the SVHC presence to waste operators and consumers to allow for notification of the SVHC and to dispose of the product in as safe a way as possible.

Green Data Exchange provides system-to-system notification of SVHC presence in your products to SCIP, taking the hassle out of compliance for your business and its products. Please continue to follow this blog and review our website for solutions to SCIP reporting requirements and other ESG regulations.


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