SCIP Database Advances Toward Launch

In 2018, the European Union’s Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) was amended to improve visibility into proper disposal of articles that contain hazardous substances. In order to ensure safe disposal for waste operators, and to inform consumers of products that may contain a hazardous substance, the amended Waste Framework Directive tasks the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to establish and maintain a database for the disclosure of SVHC in products. In order to address this new responsibility, ECHA is rolling out a database for Substances of Concern In articles as such or in complex objects (Products), also known as SCIP.

The SCIP database will be the system of record for the use of any REACH Candidate List Substance (SVHC) in any article or complex object. By declaring these SVHC (substances of very high concern), waste operators will be able to improve safety and operations around waste sorting and improve the quality of recycled materials. Furthermore, with SCIP entry, SVHC is reported at any stage of product lifecycle, creating applications for consumers, research and development, materials, and more.

In February, ECHA launched their prototype for the SCIP database. While the data in the prototype version of SCIP is not valid, companies may walk through the steps and requirements to create a SCIP entry for their products. The production version of the SCIP database is currently expected to be released in October of 2020 with the duty to start SCIP declarations by January 5, 2021.

If you would like to learn more about SCIP database entry, please check the SCIP page on the ECHA website – For in-depth requirements (subject to change) for creating a SCIP entry, please see the SCIP requirements document. A download is available here. At a high level, companies will need to share details to identify the product and REACH-specific material content information.

As of today, companies using Q Point’s Green Data Exchange (GDX) have access to comprehensive and current REACH SVHC usage in their products, among many other features. This will facilitate the ability to enter SVHC use information into the SCIP database in order to ensure compliance with the Waste Framework Directive and its upcoming enforcement dates.

To learn more about how GDX can support SCIP submission and more of your material compliance needs, please see our website at and take a tour or schedule a demo.


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