ECHA Recommends Lead, Seven Other Substances, to REACH Authorisation List

The European Chemicals Agency, ECHA, has recommended 8 substances, including lead, for inclusion on the REACH Authorisation list to the European Commission. If these substances are added to the list, companies will need to apply for authorisation to maintain their use of the substances.

The European Commission will render a decision as to which substances are included in the Authorisation List and what conditions apply for each substance. If a substance is included in the Authorisation List, it can only be placed on the European Economic Area’s market or used after a given date, if an authorisation is granted for a specific use.

ECHA’s recommendation to the European Commission includes adding the following substances to the Authorisation List:
• Ethylenediamine
• 2-(4-tertbutylbenzyl)propionaldehyde and its individual stereoisomers
• Lead
• Glutaral
• 2-methyl-1-(4-methylthiophenyl)-2-morpholinopropan-1-one
• 2-benzyl-2- dimethylamino-4’-morpholinobutyrophenone
• Diisohexyl phthalate
• Orthoboric acid, sodium salt

ECHA has the legal obligation to regularly recommend SVHCs from the Candidate List to the Authorisation List for the European Commission to consider. Authorisation seeks to promote the substitution of SVHCs when technically and economically viable alternatives are available.

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